Page 8 - Bulk solids
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EBRO ARMATUREN, headquartered in
Hagen, Germany, is one of the world‘s
leading manufacturers of industrial
valves, actuators and automation
technology. With our international network
of production plants, subsidiaries and
representatives we are always close to the
customer. Excellent expertise combined EBRO ARMATUREN
with high-quality products makes us an Gebr. Bröer GmbH
internationally acknowledged partner of
the machine and plant engineering sector. Karlstr. 8
D-58135 Hagen
As an owner-managed family Telefon +49 (0)2331 / 904 – 0
business we stand for quick decision- Telefax +49 (0)2331 / 904 – 111
making, high individual responsibility,
continuity and sustainable investments A company of the Bröer Group
in research and development.
We offer customized solutions for
almost every individual application.
The valve people