Page 180 - Catalogue 2019
P. 180

KNIFE GATE VALVE TYPE 11                                                                                         FLANGE DRILLINGS WB 11

                                                                                                                              DN  50 - DN  65                  DN  80 - DN 200                       DN 25 0 - DN  300

              Knife gate valve type WB                                                                                        ● = Tapped holes  ○= Throughgoing holes

                                                                                                                            Nominal diameter DN [mm]         50      65      80     100     125     150     200     250     300
                                                   Dimensions [mm]
                                                                                                                            Outside flange diameter [mm]    165     185     200     220     250     285     340     395     445
                                                                                                      Weight with
              DN    Size                                                                        Air                         Bolt circle diameter [mm]       125     145     160     180     210     240     295     350     400
             [mm]   [in]   A     B     C     D      E     F     G     H     J     K      L    supply   hand wheel           Face-to-face length [mm]         43      46      46     52      56      56      60      68      78
              50     2    50     43    90    86    200   59    358   441    90   575    227     ¼“        5,5               Number of throughgoing holes [ ○ ]  -    -       4       4       4       4       4       6       4
              65    2 ½   65     46   105    86    200   66    382   481   105   600    252     ¼“        6,5               Number of tapped holes [ ● ]     4       4       4       4       4       4       4       6       8
              80     3    80     46   120    86    200   89    395   519   120   623    275     ¼“        7,5               Bolt size                       M16     M16     M16     M16     M16     M20     M20    M20     M20
              100    4    100    52   144    86    200   101   430   574   144   658    310     ¼“        9,5               ß°                               45      45     22,5    22,5    22,5    22,5    22,5    15      15
              125    5    125    56   169    86    250   115   470   709   169   698    350     ¼“        12                Screw lengths *                  14      16      10     12      12      14      16      18      18
              150    6    150    56   192    86    250   130   514   776   192   740    392     ¼“        14                * Add the values in the table with the thickness of the pipe flanges,         Subject to change without notice
                                                                                                                             the washers and the estimated thickness of the gasket.
              200    8    200    60   256   151    315   155   622   888   256   818    483     ½“        27
              250   10    250    68   307   151    315   193   718   1034  307   914    579     ½“        38
              300   12    300    78   354   151    315   228   822   1180  354   1059   675     ½“        53
                                                                                         Subject to change without notice
   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185