Page 151 - Catalogue 2019
P. 151

WAFER TYPE BUTTERFLY VALVE Z 011-A therm                                                                                                   ACCESSORIES

                                                                                                                                                                               Screw sleeves
                                                          L                          ØF
                                                                                                                                                                               - In order to maintain a uniform design for the whole system, brass
                                                                                                                                                                                screw sleeves with different shaft lengths are available for
                                                                                                                                                                                mechanical thermometers where no valve is fi tted


                                                 Ø Di
                                                                          ØD  Z                                                                                                Identifi cation plates
                                                                                                                                                                               - EBRO therm butterfl y valves are predesigned to accept an
                                  B                                                                                                                                             identifi cation plate. Apppropriate base plates with mounting
                                                                                                                                                                                adapters and transparent covers are available as accessories


                                                           Dimensions [mm]
               DN     Size                                                                               Weight
              [mm]    [in]     A      B       C      D       Di      E       F      H       L      Z      [kg]
               20      ¾      104     45     149     59     31,5    33      54      70     155      -      1,5
               25      1      104     45     149     63     31,5    33      54      70     155      -      1,5
               32     1¼      104     50     154     68     31,5    33      54      70     155      -      1,6
               40     1½      113     66     179     80      38     33      54      70     155     22      2,0
               50      2      126     84     210     95     48,5    43      54      70     155     25      2,4
               65      2½     134     93     227     115    63,5    46      54      70     155     45      3,1
               80      3      157    104     261     138    78,5    46      65      80     195     65      4,2
               100     4      167     115    282     158    98,5    52      65      80     195     85      5,4
               125     5      180    127     307     188    123,5   56      65      80     195     111     7,1
               150     6      203    150     353     212    148     56      90     100     276     139    10,1
               200     8      228    176     404     268    199     60      90     100     276     190    13,8
                                                                                         Subject to change without notice
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