Page 25 - Product Overview
P. 25


            AS-i Module for                     AS-i Module for                      AS-i Module for
            Pneumatic Actuators                 Electric Actuators                   Manual Operation

            The  AS-i  bus  connection  is  available  for  all   A bus coupling is also available for EBRO   The AS-i bus connection for manual operated
            pneumatic actuators series EB.      Electric Actuators.                  valves is achieved by a double sensor equipped
            A low power solenoid valve (24V) is controlled   Control signals and position indication are   with a fl at cable connector and two inductive
            through the AS-i cable. The fi nal positions are   transferred via AS-i bus. Only available for 230V   sensors. A puk indicates the valve position.
            indicated to a double sensor by a puk.  AC Actuators.

            AS-i Module for Positioners         AS-i Module for                      AT AS-i Mastersystems
                                                Switch Box Unit SBU

            Electro pneumatic Positioner with integrated   The switch box unit (SBU) is equipped for AS-i   AT  Mastersystems  provide  the  Gateway  to
            AS-Interface.                       bus as follows:                      higher bus systems like Profi bus or Ethernet.
            The analogue data transfer of nominal and actual   Two micro switches or inductive sensors transmit   The „Black Box“ contains all necessary compo-
            value is managed by the AS-Interface.  the valve position. These informations are   nents for the operation of one or two AS-i Net-
                                                transmitted through the cable  via interface, which   works. The master controls the data transfer to
                                                also controls a low power (24V) solenoid valve.  the Sensor-/ Actuator level while the controller
                                                                                     processes the bus data in the integrated pro-
                                                                                     cessor (Preprocessing of signals).
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